JumpTrak Tutor

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See how it works below

What is JumpTrak Tutor?

The JumpTrak™ Tutor programme provides students with a comprehensive interactive lesson plan covering the whole year’s curriculum. Lesson are delivered by a highly qualified subject experts (meet your tutors here). You get well structured lessons on the topics. The lesson is followed up with an immediate opportunity to test your own knowledge, a thorough sample examination for each term, including finals and mid-year, and you get to recap all of this in your own digital library anytime, anywhere, all throughout the year.

All of this is facilitated by JumpTrak’s unique platform for recap, questions and answers, quiz reviews, lessons, recorded webinars, and more. You can’t possibly be left behind. You Library is always there, is updated each week and can be revisited anytime you want. Out tutors are also available to answer frequently asked questions for the class each week as well as preparing the lessons.

What you get

  • Online weekly lessons,
  • Practice quizzes per lessons,
  • Sample examinations in each term,
  • Digital memorandum to check your progress,
  • Q&A of your questions each week,

    and all this will sync to your own digital library on JumpTrak so you can revisit all of this anytime, throughout the whole year, with no limitations.

How does it work?

  1. On signing up you will get your JumpTrak™ User ID and can then login (register here).
  2. Each week you will get the week’s lesson plan in your JumpTrak™ library.
  3. Login to Jumptrak. Open your lesson plan for the week. Register for the weeks online lesson webinar. You must register each week so we know to expect you and so that you don’t forget! You will get email reminders every week for the webinar.
  4. Login into JumpTrak. Open up your lesson plan. This time the webinar will be ready and will start at the schedule time. Just join in!
  5. During the webinar you will:
    • Receive the online lesson
    • Get to ask questions
    • Chat with your tutor and fellow students
  6. Each webinar is 1 hour long and lessons are structured to use this time well.
  7. After the webinar your JumpTrak™ lesson plan will have the same lesson slides as presented in the webinar. They are immediate accessible for you.
  8. You will also have a mini quiz to immediately test your knowledge covered in the lesson. You will be asked to do this lesson *immediately* after the lesson. That way you can test your own knowledge, AND, we get to evaluate how you are doing (Your results are ONLY visible to yourself and us. This helps us guide you over the next week as we prepare for the next lesson)
  9. Finally, your lesson plan has a Q&A section for feedback at the end. You can rate the lesson and ask any questions you may still have. We will evaluate every question and prepare a Q&A section as a follow up in next week’s lesson.

Meet your Tutors

Nadia Maistry

Nadia has a BSc in Astronomy & Astrophysics from WITS University. She brings a unique perspective to her teaching, instilling a passion for the sciences in her students. With over seven years of tutoring experience she is an approachable and animated expert in the fields of Mathematics, Physical Sciences, and Applied Mathematics for Grades 10 -12.

Driven by her love for education she seeks to inspire the next generation of scientists.
Nadia is an active muay thai participant in her spare time! Beware!

Declan Mahony

Declan is a PhD Physic Candidate at the University of Cape Town (UCT). He matriculated in 2017 with 8 distinctions. He then pursued a BSc in Nuclear Science and Engineering at the University of the Witwatersrand, where he contributed to tutoring on behalf of the University, offering one-on-one assistance to high school students.

He then moved to the University of Cape Town for his Honors degree in Physics which he completed with distinction in 2022. He then proceeded to pursue a Master's degree in Condensed Matter Physics. Throughout his studies, he continued to tutor under-grad physics students at UCT. Declan is currently doing his Ph.D. in Condensed Matter Physics after upgrading his MSc.

He loves to climb walls, slackline, play guitar and piano and run through forests!
You won’t catch him though!